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Metal tube rotameter


  • Nmx1000 series metal tube rotameter
  • Nmx2000 series metal tube rotameter
  • Small flow metal tube rotameter

Flow meter diameter

  • 10mm

  • 15mm

  • 25mm

  • 40mm

  • 50mm

  • 80mm

  • 100mm

  • 150mm

  • 200mm

  • 10mm

  • 15mm

  • 25mm

  • 40mm

  • 50mm

  • 80mm

  • 100mm

  • 150mm

  • 200mm

  • 10mm


Metal tube rotameters are often used to measure the flow of liquid, gas and steam. For corrosive media, PTFE lining or other special materials can also be provided. The basic height of the instrument is 250mm, which is convenient for piping design and has strong interchangeability. In addition to local indication, it also has switch signal output, 4 ~ 20mADC current output, HART communication protocol function and LCD (with backlight) display cumulative flow, etc. Due to the advantages of simple structure, convenient maintenance, reliable operation, small pressure loss and no requirement for straight pipe section, it is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, textile printing and dyeing, environmental protection, electric power and other industrial fields.



心怀感恩 携梦启航——信东股份2020年度工作会议圆满结束

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