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More than 150 billion yuan investment in sight! Commercial application of smart gas
Time:2020-12-29 17:07:19 Publisher:超级管理员

■Our intern reporter Qi chenfen

"During the period of epidemic prevention and control, many gas enterprises launched non-contact services such as door-to-door gas delivery. However, the test of the epidemic also highlights the disadvantage of the low level of intelligence in the gas industry. As a result, many enterprises have received a large number of complaints from users: why can't gas be paid remotely like electricity? "

"During the period of epidemic prevention and control, many gas enterprises launched non-contact services such as door-to-door gas delivery. However, the test of the epidemic also highlights the disadvantage of the low level of intelligence in the gas industry. As a result, many enterprises have received a large number of complaints from users: why can't gas be paid remotely like electricity? "

At the 6th China smart gas development forum recently held, Gao Shunli, director of smart gas network special committee of China City Gas Association and deputy general manager of Beijing Gas Group, raised a question, which aroused heated discussion on smart gas construction among the participants.

Many experts attending the meeting believe that with the increasingly mature digital intelligent technology, smart gas has also ushered in unprecedented development opportunities, which will promote the gas industry to make innovations and breakthroughs in improving service experience, reducing transaction costs, and improving energy supply security. At the same time, the city gas industry also needs to formulate and implement a complete set of evaluation standard system in time to further promote the development of smart gas.

Schematic diagram of smart kitchen under the application of smart gas

Personalized user demand to accelerate the transformation of urban gas

"In recent years, the intelligent development of urban gas has made great progress, but it is far from the requirements of intelligent gas." Gao Shunli said frankly that the shortcomings of China's natural gas infrastructure construction are obvious. The upgrading and reconstruction of pipelines and gas meters in old urban communities are heavy and the gap is large. The construction level of smart gas is still in the primary stage. Up to now, the urban gas industry has only completed the comprehensive informatization, and there are many problems, such as low operation efficiency, weak on-site control and high operation cost.

The development of smart gas has experienced three stages: intelligent pipe network, intelligent gas network and smart gas. "On the basis of intelligent gas network, smart gas will realize the interconnection with other personnel, data and energy Internet, and provide high-quality and low-cost services." Li Yanqiang, Secretary General of gas branch of Chinese society of civil engineering, thinks.

Zhang Yuying, President of Xin'ao Energy Holding Co., Ltd., also pointed out that with the accelerated integration of cloud, physical, mobile, large, intelligent and chain technologies with the gas industry, and the personalized and diversified characteristics of urban gas users' demand, users' demand for digital gas and smart gas increases, which has clarified the demand guidance and laid a solid foundation for promoting the smart work of gas enterprises It is the basis of green energy consumption and digital energy consumption.

As natural gas terminal distributors, urban gas enterprises have many facilities and equipment and a large number of high viscosity customers. According to Qi Yanke, deputy chief engineer of Chongqing Gas Group Co., Ltd., urban gas enterprises can transform from energy suppliers to energy service providers in the future. With the deepening of digital transformation and the opportunity of new infrastructure, they will eventually become service providers of urban public utilities Supplier.

Smart gas is expected to boost 150 billion yuan investment

How to develop and upgrade urban gas under the background of new infrastructure construction? According to the experts interviewed, the gas industry urgently needs to integrate with 5g, big data, artificial intelligence, Beidou Positioning and other technologies to improve the information management level of urban gas basic platform.

According to Gao Shunli's analysis, the development direction of smart gas includes four aspects: first, accurate control and efficient operation; second, convenient interaction and innovative services; third, leading low-carbon and wide application; fourth, multi-functional integration and open interconnection.

"For city gas enterprises, by digitizing the" meter, box and cabinet station pipeline ", they can adapt to, change and choose the environment, so as to provide customers with diversified and personalized services at any time, anywhere and on demand." Qi Yanke further pointed out.

For users, through the application of mobile app and small program, they can more intuitively understand the basic information of enterprises, industry regulations, etc., and freely choose the gas source and service provider, so as to realize the optimal allocation of gas resources. The traditional manual meter reading, on-site payment and manual inspection will be replaced by intelligent management methods such as intelligent supervision, online payment and intelligent robot inspection, so as to greatly improve the gas operation efficiency.

Smart gas intelligent facilities

It is worth mentioning that gas safety is related to the safety of life and property of thousands of households. In the past, manual intervention was the main way to deal with gas safety accidents, which often caused unnecessary losses due to untimely treatment. Smart gas can get rid of the above disadvantages, real-time online visual network leakage monitoring, remote self-service alarm, intelligent diagnosis, remote valve control, intelligent emergency decision-making, etc., so as to ensure the intrinsic safety of gas. Therefore, with the gradual expansion of natural gas utilization scale, smart gas is increasingly sought after.

Gao Shunli predicts that in the next decade, the gas industry will invest more than 150 billion yuan in the construction of intelligent intrinsic safety and the intelligent transformation of gas pipeline network.

The construction of intelligent standard system is imminent

At present, China's natural gas industry is entering a new stage of "big reform, full opening up, more competition, strong supervision and lower income". Many people in the industry said that the guidance of the construction program is indispensable for the city gas to achieve high-quality development in this new stage. Among them, the construction of intelligent standards is imminent.

The reporter learned from the meeting that the "China Urban smart gas development report (2019)" issued by China Urban Gas Association in May 2019 has put forward the framework of "smart gas network standard system", which aims to establish a perfect evaluation mechanism, clarify the construction focus, and guide and promote the healthy development of smart gas by formulating smart gas grading evaluation standards.

Gao Shunli, director of the intelligent gas network special committee of China Gas Association and deputy general manager of Beijing Gas Group Co., Ltd., exchanged and shared the work progress of the preparation of "China urban gas system intelligent evaluation standard".

According to Gao Shunli, the draft of the evaluation standard system is expected to be completed in November 2020, and public opinions will be solicited in January 2021.

Combined with the intelligent process and functional requirements of gas industry operation and management, the standard system divides the development of smart gas into six levels: l0 level is local operation, L1 level is local perception, L2 level is key perception and regulation, L3 level is extensive perception, precise regulation and scientific operation, L4 level is holographic control, intelligent operation and open integration, L5 level is holographic control, independent operation and integration share.

Combined with the above standard system, the smart gas network special committee of China Urban Gas Association has also formulated a "three-step" roadmap for smart gas development: from 2020 to 2025, the main enterprises will reach L2 level; from 2025 to 2030, the main enterprises will reach L3 level, and the excellent enterprises will develop to L4 level; after 2030, the main enterprises will reach L4 level, and move forward to L5 level.

"Smart gas construction is a huge, complex and multi-stage systematic development project, which requires long-term continuous technical investment and unswerving reform determination." Gao Shunli suggested that the government should give full play to its leading role, strengthen the organization, coordination and guidance in the formulation of planning standards, and encourage gas enterprises to actively participate in the formulation of industry standards, so as to provide support for the scientific and orderly development of smart gas.

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